Wednesday, December 24, 2008
An Early Christmas Present
After a LONG discussion we decided to get Pace and Josie a kitten. This was a HUGE step for us but after going to the pet store and seeing Pace's alligator tears, we gave in and brought the "kitty" home with us. The girls absolutely love her. (They read her stories, play chase, and she gets wrapped up in a baby blanket occasionally.) We named her Jessie after the little cowgirl in Toy Story 2. She is 8 weeks old (really little)and all black and very playful. If she can only survive through Josie tote'n her around (usually by the neck!) she should be able to survive ANYTHING!
Posted by Goates Gang at 9:37 AM 6 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Each Year we get the girls a New Ornament for the Christmas Tree. This Year they got little angels that resemble themselves, with the blonde hair and everything! This has been a fun tradition, and the girls love to see & hang up their very "own" ornaments.
Posted by Goates Gang at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Decorating the Tree
The Girls were "Dying" to help decorate the Christmas tree! It's was really funny to see which ornaments they would both pick out to hang and to see the disposition of all of them. Let's just say the ornaments pretty much ended at their hight/reach. I did go back and even the tree out to say the least! Pace & Jos had a great time helping me and they were some fun entertaninment in the mean time.
Posted by Goates Gang at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree....Oh Christmas Tree.....
One of our Christmas traditions we have is going and cutting down our own Christmas tree. This year we went across from Meadow Park and found "the perfect tree". We had a great day and some real family fun setting this tradition.
Posted by Goates Gang at 4:11 PM 3 comments
Grandma Goates Made 8 times the receipe for gingerbread houses this year, and we were there too join in the fun!! Gingerbread Houses are a great Goates tradition to ring in the winter/Christmas season. Grandma Goates is Amazing to keep up this holiday tradition and enjoy doing it with her 29 grandchildren!
It's a little bit of a sugar over-haul, I'm still not sure if Pace and Josie have all the Sugar out of their bodies yet! But how can Anyone resist!
So With mounds of frosting(I am not sure how many batches were made), Gingerbread, and a ton of decorating goodies in hand, we all couldn't resist and jumped in the fun.
Posted by Goates Gang at 3:53 PM 0 comments
The Kiddie Table
Good Food, Good Fun, and a "Whole Lotta Family". Mom Goates is amazing She cooked for about 35 people!Goates Cousins (Remind you they are all 3!) Except for Josie of course!
Posted by Goates Gang at 3:03 PM 1 comments